Saturday, February 4, 2012

Live Dead

(quick update: the family member who was in surgery the last time I wrote is home and doing well!)

It has not been an easy week.  My sweet Husband is now out of work (although already has some odd jobs landscaping lined up - he is such a diligent worker and takes his responsibility to provide very seriously!), and it has just been difficult on many levels with a lot of things going on in our lives.  I'm switching medications and this has caused additional pain and that is just one issue I am dealing with on the health front - mixed with everything else going on it has felt like this week would never end.  I have wondered on a daily basis how I will get through the day on many levels - and I have found the answer only in the grace of my God.   I have been amazed (I know I shouldn't be shocked at His faithfulness by now) moment by moment that I'm given strength that I know I didn't have in myself.  He is sustaining me and showing me such beauty and joy even in the midst of a trying time in our lives.

We started a new book together called: "The Live Dead Journal: 30 days of prayer for unreached people, 30 days of challenge"  - it's a book his college is recommending and it is very good - with a daily devotion and challenge to give into the Word of God more than ever before.  The whole idea behind the book is the verse in John that says: "Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone." - John 12:24.  Here are some quotes from the book that I thought were inspiring and it has been a daily reminder that this life on earth isn't about my comfort but about God's glory and serving the people He puts in my life with His love.

"Prayer should never be understood primarily in terms of power but rather as relating to God who is the source of all power." - Dr. Gailyn Van Rheenen

"Often, we think sacrifice is Abraham, willing to give up his only son.  That is love.  But I've found that I relate more to Isaac. Isaac has to willingly lie on the alter and trust his father.  Isaac was the sacrifice.  As am I." - Charles Porter (missionary to Tanzania)

"I had utterly abandoned myself to Him.  Could any choice be as wonderful as His will? Could any place be safer than the center of His will?  Did not he assure me by His very presence that His thoughts toward us are good, and not evil?  Death to my own plans and desires was almost deliriously delightful.  Everything was laid at His nail-scarred feet, life or death, health or illness, appreciation by others or misunderstanding, success or failure as measured by human standards.  Only He Himself mattered." - V Raymond Edman

Be inspired today to love 150% for Jesus.  No matter what kind of day you are having He is worthy of your all.  And in the midst of it you will find His strength is sufficient for all your needs.

1 comment:

  1. I have said this beore Ali, I wish I had your faith. God bless you and your Husband!
