Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Tiny Seed

Today I spent some time planting seeds inside for our veggie and flower garden and also planting earlier seeds and plants outside. I LOVE gardening - it is so peaceful and a great place to talk with God so close to creation.

It's funny how tiny some seeds are. I was planting sweet alyssum and the seeds were almost microscopic. I used to plant most of the seeds in our greenhouses at the farm when we worked there - and the snapdragon seeds were by far the tiniest seeds I had ever seen. It was virtually impossible to get a single seed in a cell of the seeding tray. It always amazes me that such tiny seed holds everything needed for the life of that plant. Under the proper circumstances that seed will spring to life and produce a beautiful flower or yummy veggie or fruit.

Life is like that. Sometimes we might feel that what we have to offer is so small and insignificant. But with the sunshine and watering of God through His Word and prayer and circumstances our life can burst into bloom for His glory. What seemed like a piece of dust can bring joy and beauty to the world around us.

When faced with chronic pain and illness it is easy to feel insignificant or useless. I often wish I could do so much more to serve the world around me and to be a difference. We all need to focus more on God and allow the warmth of His sunshine and watering of the Word bring life into what we sometimes feel is dead and useless.

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