Sunday, March 25, 2012

News Flash: change is coming!

Hi reading friends!

I know I haven't been blogging as faithfully lately, but I've been thinking and praying a lot about the blog and life and what God has for me at this stage in my life.  I began the blog in my first year of marriage, when I was being challenged (to put it lightly!) by significant health issues while learning to be a wife.  I was honestly afraid that I wouldn't live every day to it's full potential, or that I wouldn't be a good wife because of the physical pain I was dealing with every day.  Over the past 2 years God has really been growing me and teaching me (a process that has been simultaneously difficult and wonderful) and He has brought me to a place of acceptance and peace (at least most of the time!).  Over the 2 years that I have been blogging here, I have also had some key answers to some of the mystery of what was making me sick and in pain - and although I am not 100% cured (and may never be this side of heaven), I have been able to learn things to help me function MUCH better and avoid some of the really hard days.  Honestly, it's been a combination of proper diagnosis and diet, medications that keep symptoms under control, as well as a lot of prayer and learning how to LIVE well with the limitations and pain.  I know I will continue to learn and grow and by God's beautiful grace live every day well until the day I see Him face to face in heaven.

So, this brings me to the point of this post:  I think the blog is going to change somewhat.  I feel like I have said many of the things I wanted to say in starting this blog.  I wanted to encourage others facing chronic health challenges, as well as to educate those who are walking beside someone in the path of pain.  I know that at times there will be something I need to write about related to living with health challenges or other areas of suffering (like I have said over and over EVERYONE has or will have some type of pain in their life - physical or otherwise), but I am not sure that this will be the main (or only) purpose in my writing anymore.  As those who have been reading know, the heartbeat of my life these days is our "Someday Babies" - the children that by God's mercy we will adopt.  With about 14 months til my sweet Farmer Boy graduates, we are counting down the days til we can apply for adoption.   We don't know where or how or what the situation will look like, but with every spare moment I have I am researching, and preparing papers, and reading adoption blogs ...  so I just feel like it only makes sense for my blog here to begin shifting a little bit too.  I love to write, and writing here has really been a catalyst to my ability to gain some balance and "normalcy" in my life with chronic pain and being a new wife.  I know that blogging about this next chapter in our lives will also help me process and grow as God prepares me to be a mama.  A MAMA!  :)  I don't think the blog will change all that much - but maybe just expand a little - or a lot.   It's exciting for me to think that I began the blog because I was afraid or becoming a victim of my pain, and I was feeling like the walls were closing in on me .. and now the blog needs to change because my life and experiences are getting too big!!!

Well, that's it.  A New direction!  You are so welcome to continue walking with me through this journey as I seek to bring glory to my Wonderful Jesus through the ups and downs along the way. 


  1. I always read your stories and they brighten up my day. I would love to continue reading and wish you well on your journey wherever it may take you. Lots of love Alicia.

  2. I have been so encouraged by your blog Alicia, and I can't wait to continue reading it as God prepares you to become a MAMA! :)

  3. I'm so proud of you babe and love you steadfastly!
