Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Two years ago today (and I think I actually blogged the story last year) in a little rose garden in Hawaii my Joshua got down on his knee and asked me to be his wife. I was shocked and so surprized as I had almost given up hope of him ever asking! And also because the setting was that I had just spent several horrific days in agonizing pain and being very sick in that Hawaian hospital. We went out for a "walk" (I in my wheelchair being too weak to stand or walk much) and it was not what I pictured when I thought of how my engagment would go all through my life. I wasn't looking pretty, I was at one of my lowest points in my life to be honest, and I was questioning his love and why anyone would want to be with someone as sick as me. He took me offgard in that moment and all I could say was: "what am I suppoed to say"? "what am I suppoed to do?" Finally he said: :"You could try on the ring" and I said "OK". I had dreamed of all the perfect responces I would have when he asked me - but when it came at such an unexpected time I was totally lost for words. I have had so many people comment on how dumb it was for him to propose to me in the hospital of all places (however I am quick to point out it wasn't REALLY IN the hospital - and that rose garden was such a beautiful place when roses don't usually grown well in Hawaii). But, the moment he asked me I just knew that he really DID love me - entirely and He loved me enough to accept me as I am - pain and illness and all. Such a picture of the love of God! Loving us when we are so helpless and sick with sin and lost. If I ever begin to doubt my sweet Husband's love for me - all I have to do is look at this glistening diamond ring on my finger and remember where we were when he asked me.

Tonight, he knelt down and took my hand again - two years later and asked me to marry him all over again.

Yes, yes, a million times YES!


  1. What a beautiful and romantic story. Your sweet Joshua is one in a million, and I know it is such a blessing to have him, knowing it will last a lifetime! Happy Anniversary! ♥

  2. That definitely brought tears to my eyes. I have just recently got sick and it's undiagnosed. Sometimes I wonder would my husband really want to marry me if he knew I would be so crippled? It's possible I will be healed but it was so comforting to know someone else shares some of those same doubts sometimes. It has been a good learning experience for both of us. Just keep trusting in God!

    Also, I don't think that situation could be more romantic. True unconditional love! Not silly perfect situations portrayed in so many movies. I am praying for you, that you will have some answers or be healed!

  3. Anonymous -
    I am praying for you too - it is very frustrating to not really know what is going on with your health - thank God that He knows even when no one else does! be encouraged today sister!
