Thursday, October 20, 2011

Guilty Doughnuts

Doughnuts make everything better right?  I mean, who can resist a big golden doughnut with crispy sugary outside and warm fluffy inside?  One time, before we were married, my Farmer Boy and I took a whole package of muffin dough, made the muffins into doughnuts and ate the ENTIRE package (which was like 6-8 doughnuts) in one sitting.  What makes this story worse is that we were watching: "The Biggest Looser" at the same time.  No joke.  Why am I talking about doughnuts?  You'll see.

Physical pain or illness can shorten your fuse.  I'm NOT saying this as an excuse, but just something those of us with chronic pain or illness need to be aware of.  Example: Today, I went with my husband to the thrift store to drop off some stuff.  For some reason I got suuupper car sick and was miserable all the way home.  Because I was mad that I felt so yucky, my attitude was snarky to my Husband (who hadn't done anything wrong at all).  Of course, it had been an extra long day of taking care of chores for me, and I still had a lot on my list to get done before going to sleep - so I felt even more overwhelmed, and mad that I felt crummy but couldn't just rest.  When we got back from the thrift store I realized (much to my dismay) I needed to run to the grocery store - so I left and of course felt guilty all the way to the store, while I was shopping, standing in the check out line (where I bought the discounted doughnuts as a peace offering) and all the way home.  Of course my sweet Husband was loving and forgiving (especially when he saw the doughnuts! - see I knew they would help the situation!) and I didn't even have to tell him why I was so frustrated - in fact he apologized that his driving made me car sick (which it wasn't his driving - just my silly body).  It all ended well.

So, a word to the wise: KNOW that you might be more prone to snarky behavior when you are feeling crummy and work on keeping your mouth shut if at all possible.  Or simply explain to whoever you are with that you aren't feeling good, and that it isn't a good time to have deep conversations.  We should never allow our pain to be a catalyst to our hurting the people we love - they get hurt enough just because we are in pain.   Sometimes, it is best to just be alone if our attitude needs help.  I know that's not always possible, but sometimes it really is best.  Just take a quick breather and a quick prayer that you won't take your frustration about how you feel out on someone around you.  It makes life much easier.

Oh, and it also saves money on remorseful doughnut purchases.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this story. It has really been applicable to me the last few days!
    I have been reading your blog for a few weeks and I really like it!
