Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One Project Per Day 2

I've been pretty good with keeping up with my "One Project Per Day" thing.  It helps me to have lists and to have a list of things that I can do around my house helps me to be able to do something productive even when I don't really feel like doing anything major.  I have stated listening to a Christian radio show in the evenings and I usually take that time (significantly after dinner to give time for  a rest and hang out time) to do the dinner dishes quick (another of my tricks is to do the dishes as I cook so that it is only serving dishes and a couple plates to wash after dinner) and sometimes do a little "project" as well.  Last night I washed and disinfected the microwave which only took me a few minutes but it makes me feel so good whenever I open it today to have it all clean and sparkling.  Some of you might be in the possition with your health that doing things like these are just impossible.  Well, I believe the concept of doing something - ANYTHING productive during each day can still be accomplished no matter what your state of health is (and yes I am speaking from experience here).  Even if you are bed-ridden you can take the time to write a note to someone or make a phone call.  If you are in too much pain to talk (which I totally understand) take a moment to pray for someone in need.  DO something!  It doesn't have to be household chores - it could be knitting a baby blanket, or organizing your purse.  The reason these things are so important and the discipline of doing something is because ,"idle hands are the devil's playground" (as our grandmother's generation would say) - when you are not doing something productive you begin to either feel sorry for yourself which is useless - or you begin to be nosey into other's lives - which is just not nice.  When you have a project or something that you can take a little pride in doing it makes you feel better about yourself and turns your eyes toward God and reminds you to be the best that He created you to be (that is what I have noticed at least).  No excuses because of being sick.  Now, I know that at times the things we are able to do are limited -( I have walked through times like that -  but the concept is still doable and worth trying for sure. Not to overdo it or disobey doctor's orders - but to learn how to live and be productive (even in prayer!!) with the body that God has given each of us and the circumstances we find ourselves in each day - pain or not.

Ok here are some of my projects over the last week:
Fridge: Before: totally unorganized and full of yucky stuff (is tofu supposed to be pink?) and After:

My dish cupboard: was a total mess in particular the vitamin and pill area so I took a baking dish and organized the vitamins etc and it is so much better!  Everything in it's place!  (sorry no before shot)

Bathroom cabinet: might not be too impressive to you but it was literally full of sheets and towels that were thrown wherever they could be thrown and now each thing has a spot .. again.

My little "kitchen window" shelf is all decorated for spring now! St. Patrick's Day stuff put away.

Probably most rewarding has been getting out in the garden now that that weather has been warmer.  I find it so good for me to be outside and makes me deal with pain better.  I LOVE being in the garden.  I tell myself to just do a little each time I go out so that it isn't too much for me.

What projects are you doing today?  My project for today was to bake some sugar-free cheesecake for sweet Husband - not sure it turned out but he is so nice and loved anything I bake.

1 comment:

  1. I also try to do one thing a day, even on my bad days. The thing that makes me the happiest is when I feel good enough to cook for my Guys. I am not a good cook, and not very creative, but I so enjoy having a hot meal on the table to greet the Hubby and sons after a day at work. If I can't, that's okay too...they love me just the same.
    P.S. I love your little shelf! It's so cute!
